Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am on a documentary kick. I have watched four documentaries this week. Here are my findings about them so far, in the order in which I watched them:

1. Super-Size me: I already posted about that one, so obviously I was affected. I liked it but thought it was gross when he threw up and when they show the guy getting gastric bypass. As much as I like fake medical dramas (think: ER and Grey's Anatomy) I really hate seeing real medical procedures. The DVD extras were good.

2. My Kid Could Paint That- About a 4 year old abstract artist. While the guy was making the movie, there was an expose that suggested she wasn't the one painting all her paintings. That was pretty much the interesting part, although the whole question of what makes good art in the first place is also a theme. Cause she's 4. And her paintings are selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Come on.

3. Murderball- AWESOME. This one is about Wheelchair Rugby, or Quad Rugby: Dudes who are either parapalegics, or have some kind of impairment in at least 3 of their limbs, who get strapped into these crazy souped-up Mad Max wheelchairs and play Quad Rugby. It mostly follows the USA Paralymics team, and apparently we are good at this, we win lots of golds and championships. I didn't even know this was a thing, and it was good to learn about a new sport.

4. Spellbound- This is the one about the kids in the national spelling bee. And it was kinda eh. For all of what I heard about this movie, I thought it wasn't that awesome. I mean, I watched it and everything, but I didn't think it was spectacular. I dunno... too much about the individual kids? Not enough about the competition? Not enough about the could-be crazy parents? But I was impressed with myself that I could spell some of the harder words. I know I'm an adult who has been to college, but I think without any studying I could get through the first few rounds of the national spelling bee.

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