Monday, October 18, 2010

Twilight Tattoos

I have been thinking of getting a new tattoo, and I've basically been thinking about it since I left New Zealand two and a half years ago, and it has a literary theme. As such, when I saw a book at work called The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide I took a look to see what other people had done with some of their favorite words/ literary themes.

One thing someone did was get a half-sleeve (GIANT) Twilight themed tattoo on their arm. Basically it is a collage of all the book covers, and yesterday it became my new favorite thing to show people. It provided hours of entertainment for me. I mean.... what? Twilight tattoo? Really?

Coincidentally, it is (or it is really similar to) number 21 pictured at this slideshow I then found when I searched for "Twilight tattoos" on Google. I love that there are at least 30 other people who have Twilight tattoos, AND that I can look at all of them in one spot. It is almost too much giddiness to bear.

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