After reading this article, then reading about Twitter on Wikipedia (which is now my knee-jerk response to learning about things I don't know about— not sure if that's the best tactic actually, but there you are) and then reading what Twitter has to say about itself... I gotta say I still don't get it.
I know that it says the reason it exists is to tell people what you're doing. Twitter itself also insists that it isn't an overload of information, because you can pay as much or as little attention to people's twitterings as you like. But I still am not convinced that I need ANOTHER way of keeping track of people. Maybe I am being a little bit of a techno-phobe. Or I just feel that instant communication via cellphones, texting, emailing, blogging, facebook-ing, flikring, etc. is pretty much enough for me.
I think I'll wait until they make a computer chip implanted into my brain where I can communicate telepathically with all my friends and family instantly. Sound like anyone you know?

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