Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Ho snap! It has been a really long time since I last blogged. Shameful. I think it is mostly because I have been outside enjoying the lovely spring weather. I am still minus a bike, but hopefully that will be remedied in the month of May. I have been to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens twice and have already gotten a sunburn. Shit! That sucks. The sun can be so mean and harmful.

I have been listening to a lot of Gervais, Merchant, and Pilkington, which has been good. And then Craig came to visit (yay!) and he sounds very similar to Karl, as he is the only person that I know who can do such a nice impression of Karl being from Manchester(ish). Craig and I did lots of fun touristy things together since he'd never been to New York. We went to Central Park and to the top of the Empire State building. We walked a lot, and now I am pretty tired. And sad cause he left today.

That's pretty much it in terms of events... I hear there's some kind of pig flu thing going around in NYC but I've only seen one person with a surgical mask. Good on me for keeping up with current events!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

High-Techiness and Sickiness

That there was my first mobile blog. I am really hoping to explore this feature more. Stay tuned for on-the-spot photo text blogging!

I am getting sick. I HATE getting sick. It sucks and makes me not want to do anything. Not fun. Grandmother gave me some sudafed. Maybe that will do the trick. Maybe I am just sick with loneliness now that MaryLiz and Julix have left NYC for other places. Even though Julia only left today and I email MaryLiz constantly. It is possible.
Omg i am so high tech it is like i am on twitter but not and i didn't have to sign up for anything new.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ways to Save Money

Here is a short list of a few ways I've thought of to save money during the recession:

1. Instead of paying even 25 dollars for a haircut, DIY. Really if all I want is trimmed ends, I can totally do that shit myself. Especially if your hair is such a long crazy mess anyways (ME).

2. Drink coffee instead of eating, especially if you work at a cafe (ME) where you get a discount on coffee. This also bonuses as a diet plan.

3. Only take out small amounts of money from the ATM at one time. Then, if you're spending too much, you'll feel guilty about going to the ATM all the time. Plus it is annoying to find an ATM.

4. Take the blow to your pride and feelings of independence and live with a loving grandparent (ME) or your parents (a lot of other people) and save money on rent.

5. Wear all your clothes until they have holes in them. Fuck Stacy and Clinton, not everyone has $5,000 given to them to spend on clothes and times are tough.

I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Things Take Longer in Real Life opposed to college life.

1. Things change less quickly:
So in college, you are in classes for one semester. So every semester you feel like your life changes a little bit, because your routine changes and the things you think about are changing. Maybe it's just me, but in real life, because you are doing something and you don't really see an END (like the end of the semester 3 months from now) you look at your manager who is 45 and balding and they never MEANT to stay in retail to be a store manager for a whopping $30,000 a year and yet here they are, and just look at that in 20 years that could be me. Even the balding part.

2. How can I decide if I like you if I never see you?
I've been going on lots of random dates, both internet and non-internet based, and it is really fun to meet new people and drink beers, but seriously: HOW do people have the patience for dating in real life? In college, you meet someone, see them every other day in class, go on a date, see them again a day and a half later, hang out 3 more times by the end of the week, are an item within 3 weeks, and in love by spring break. Seriously. Because you are guaranteed to be seeing them ALL THE TIME, and you are also really horny and want to have sex a lot. In real life, people are serious and have shit to do that doesn't necessarily include doing you. So how does this work? You hang out with them once, then see them again two weeks later, and then again two weeks after that and you continue this pattern until 2 months after you start dating you finally go over to their house and realize they have some weird doll fetish? Or you see them without a shirt and they have huge man-boobs? Or they just say something totally lame and you realize that you in fact, do NOT like them? WTF? How am I ever going to date people I don't know if it takes so long to get to know them?

3. Things take longer to get to when you're not within a 1-mile radius of everything:
Maybe this is just Oberlin, but I think a lot of college campuses are pretty compact, if not so small as Oberlin. And maybe this is also because New York is such a big city, but other cities are also big. Given that, I think the whole, "I'll give you a call and we can meet up," thing isn't as effective in the real world. I don't want to wait around for you to call me so I can spend an hour on the train to get to wherever you are. Because no matter what, everywhere in New York seems to take me about an hour. At least if it's in Manhattan. Brooklyn, 1/2 hour. At least. I cannot wake up 15 minutes before having to be somewhere and be on time. It takes some adjusting.

My question, then, is that if things take longer in real life, but time moves FASTER in real life (like I cannot believe I've been in New York for more than a month), is time actually moving at the same pace?